The passing of the Down Syndrome Bill / National Down Syndrome Policy Group

Written by Erika Petrie

April 3, 2022

Fionn Crombie Angus

As of the 1st of April, the Down Syndrome Bill has got through to the 3rd and final reading in Westminster and will become a law /act following the Queen’s signature. The Down Syndrome Bill has passed all its Parliamentary stages and will receive Royal Assent within days. The Bill will recognize people with the condition as a specific minority group, meaning schools, the NHS, the local authorities and so forth will by law have to meet their needs.

Many congratulations to Heidi and James Crowter, Bethany Asher and Fionnathan who campaigned tirelessly to help make this happen.

Heidi and James Crowter

Heidi Crowter has since written this blog to put into words how she feels about the Down Syndrome Bill: Tuesday, April 5, 2022: How I feel about the Down’s syndrome bill becoming an act

Hiya my lovely friends,

As you may know I have been involved with a bill called ‘ The Down’s syndrome bill’ in parliament , this bill, will make a pathway for people with Down’s syndrome to get better health care , education and social care. When I was growing up I received fantastic health care, I felt I was listened to, and treated like an adult ,they always talked to me and not my parents. 

The reason I am so passionate about this bill is because I am someone who happens to have Down’s Syndrome and I am living proof that people with Down’s Syndrome with the right support and care can live a fulfilled life. I live independently with my husband James whom I love with all my heart and who is also involved in this bill. We want other people with Down’s Syndrome to have the best life, so we hope that our positive stories will help and encourage you. 

Last week myself and James went to the final hearing of this bill at the House of  Lords in Westminster and I am really thankful to announce the fact it got voted through. I am so happy  about this fantastic bill led by Dr Liam Fox who is an outstanding man and am really glad to have met him. This makes me feel that if you press on amongst people who are putting you down, we will win in the end and we did! It’s important to never give up in creating a brighter future for people with Down’s Syndrome. 

Thank you for Dr. Liam Fox for all your hard work and of course my lovely husband who worked so hard on the videos. and now it’s up to the Queen to sign it, then we can have a pint of prosecco! 

Thanks very much for reading this 


The National Down Syndrome Policy Group supports people with Down Syndrome to have a say in the formation of policy in matters that impact their lives. We provide the secretariat for APPG for Down Syndrome whose aims are to raise issues affecting people with Down syndrome, to promote equality, campaign for equal access & highlight the innate worth of people with Down Syndrome.

National Down Syndrome Policy Group

If you are an adult with Down syndrome please do join our Advisory Group facilitated by our founding officers. You will be part of a dynamic group sharing your experiences and hopes for your future.

Bethany Asher

Fionnathan (Fionn + Jonathan)


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